

May 09, 2023

Simple Story Today


I would like you to meet Mower.

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Mower is one of our water-bound pets/ friends.


We have hundreds of fish all over the house. All beautiful and unique in their way.


But I find myself sitting often and watching Mower. He is my favorite (don't tell the others).


I cannot state what breed or species he is, but he is a suckerfish. He is also huge.


The reason I like Mower is, he has a specific job and he does it at a high level.


I'm going to assume he is proud and passionate about his role.


His role in the tank is to be a part of the ecosystem that eats waste, algae, and anything else that doesn't contribute to a clean environment.


He is the biggest. He has the distinct Black (Johnny Cash) color.


He could dominate the take. Be the KING.


But he is devoid of ego. Animals have the instincts to live inside of their unique ability and ensure the survival of their tank mates.


Animals/ Fish don't seem to have been affected by ego and selfish tendencies.


They clearly don't have social media.


The others love him for this.


Do you, your staff, and everyone around you:


1. Know their role/ job?

2. Do they know why they are in that role?

3. Are they clear on what happens when they do it well, and when they fail? What are the consequences?

4. Do they seek evaluation and measurables to ensure they are accountable?


If not, meet us in Montana at our Business Retreat and we will be working on this topic and a few others.


Mower will be there in spirit.

His inspiration will certainly be present

PS. I would be a terrible leader of my business if I failed to tell those of you in the restoration/ disaster space that we have proudly launched our Restoration Business Academy. My gift to you for subscribing to my blog is a free month. Use this code:


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