

Mar 05, 2023

A Dangerous Addiction

Be brave. Be honest.


These go hand in hand.

 Chris Rock delivered an epic performance Saturday night on Netflix.

 He mentioned (in jest, but also being real) that we have more than an opioid addition in this country.


We have an ATTENTION addiction.

Trying to get attention of our own and get others. This exists in both a business and a personal brand sense. 

 He listed 4 ways to get attention.


I'll skip 1,2, and 4. They are comedy and not productive here. 



#4. Be excellent.


That's it.

 Be excellent. You won't seek attention or need it from others.

 Only those that need what you do (if you are a service)

If you are a person attempting to fill some empty hole but getting others to act=knowledge you.....history will show you that this a dead end street. 
I would recommend you pick up this book:


Maybe you SHOULD be getting attention


 There might be instances where you have a message that can help a greater good. 
Maybe you are promoting an important charity. 
Worthy Causes, no doubt. 


But social media has become a hollow chamber of generally people who have resolved they might not have much else to do, but sit and scroll thinking about the life they wish they had the balls to live. 
Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week. 

That's not you. I'd be willing to bet you are seeking true meaning in your life.

But it doesn't take long for the hooks to be set in. 
Taking pictures of your food, checking in to brag about places you are visiting. I am guilty (until now).

Wants share with friends and family only......make a private profile. 

Generally speaking, being excellent doesn't leave time to hang out online. 

Your world is out there waiting for things to be inspired by. 




I was in Wisconsin last week working with a client on what will be a very critical staffing componentin their drive to better on-board their clients.

Due to a missed flight (my fault), I had a few hours in Green Bay and stopped by Lambeau to marvel at a brand and community driven staple of BEING EXCELLENT. Maybe not every season, not every play.....but over a long period of time of hard work and never ending commitment to their beloved fans. Snow or sunshine, they are SOLD OUT every game. Because their fans TRUST that they are giving it their all.

So if people are depending on us, lets give them our last effort. Do that and they will always be there for you !!



Until Next Time,


If you want to help one of our favorite charities, buy me a coffee: Be Kind Here