

Feb 26, 2023

The First is always the HARDEST

This will historically be known as my very first ever, known to any man or woman, LinkedIn newsletter.

If you are expecting incredibly professional, well articulated and editor published content, you are already set up for missed expectations. But if you are looking for light and simple discussions on how I see things, as they relate to life, family or maybe business, you are in for a real treat.

I am no Hemingway, Bukowski or even a writer at all. I have just found myself getting a lot of ideas out of my head, into the world and start conversations. After that, anything is possible.


The Big Promise

 This will be a personal newsletter. Not a promotion for my business. I have one of those, plus a blog. So if you want to find that, it's not difficult

I will be authentic and 100% myself, as I always have been.

I will be asking for feedback and suggestions. So challenge or interact publicly or privately. Just make sure you do express opinions....because my first won't nearly as good as my last.

Bye for now. See you back here in a week or two.


If you want to help one of our favorite charities, buy me a coffee: Be Kind Here